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Brescia Guide Italy

A special day

A special day

This itinerary is intended for those who have little time to spend but who don't want to pass up an opportunity to discover the city. The itinerary includes a night in a Brescian hotel of your choice. This way, you can enjoy a real Brescian evening, immersing yourself in the good food and the pleasure of living, without having to worry about leaving.
  • Morning. The itinerary begins from the Church of San Francesco, one of the loveliest churches of the city, with its frescos and splendid 15th-century cloister. Then, following Via Martiri della Libertà and Via Fratelli Porcellaga we reach Piazza Vittoria, built in 1932 in monumental Fascist style. It is here that the cars gather every year before the start of the famous Mille Miglia. We take the street on the side of the Post Office to reach the lovely Piazza della Loggia, the city's living room and the heart of Renaissance Brescia. In the piazza, one is struck by the beauty of the palazzi, such as the Loggia, which was the city's ancient city hall, the Monti di Pietà and the Torre dell’Orologio. Take a look at the precious astronomical clock portraying the sun and signs of the zodiac. From Piazza della Loggia, we cross Via Beccaria to Piazza Paolo VI, where three important city monuments are located: first, the Broletto, Bescia's Medieval city hall; the building still houses public offices, today. Immediately below the Broletto, you will find the Duomo Nuovo and Duomo Vecchio, called the Rotonda, which was constructed in a Romanesque style on the remains of a Paleo-Christian basilica. We recommend visiting the impressive interiors of both churches, which contain important works of art. The morning can end here, perhaps taking the famous shopping stroll under the porticos that lead from Piazza della Loggia to Corso Zanardelli.
    As it is well known, the Italians like to take a long lunch break; why not adapt to this custom and select one of the many restaurants and trattorias in this part of the center? Its an excellent opportunity to sample a plate of casonséi or a selection of excellent Brescian cheeses and deli meats.

  • Afternoon. We continue the day, emerging into the heart of the Roman Brescia. From Piazza Paolo VI, we head down Via dei Musei, the ancient Roman decuman, which leads to the Tempio Capitolino. It was ordered built by the Emperor Vespasian between 73 and 74 AD. A little further on, you come to the Teatro Romano, of which little remains today. There are several beautiful Renaissance palazzi along Via dei Musei, such as Palazzo Maggi, Palazzo Uggeri-Ganassoni and Palazzo Martinengo Cesaresco. A short distance from the theater, you will come to the incredible Santa Giulia complex whose walls, cloisters and basilicas contact a large part of the city's history. Inside, the city has installed the Museo della Città, which documents the evolution of Brescia from prehistory to the Renaissance. After this visit, why not take a lovely stroll that leads from the center to the Castello? The most characteristic way to get there is the Contrada Sant’Urbano pedestrian mall that climbs towards the hill from Piazzetta Tito Speri. This enormous castle is a true fortified city, which is worth visiting for all its secrets. For those with more time, the Castello houses the Museo delle Armi Antiche, one of the most important collections in Europe, with over 500 weapons and suits of armor from the end of the 14th to the 18th century.

  • Evening. After an entire day immersed in art and culture, now's the time to relax and give yourself over to the pleasures of the palate. You might start with a good cocktail in Piazzale Arnaldo and then move on to one of the many restaurants and nightspots in the streets and piazzas of the center.

Photos courtesy of: Provincia di Brescia – Assessorato Turismo, Comune di Brescia – Servizio Turismo

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