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About Campania

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Capri Guide Italy

Visiting the island by boat

Getting there
History and culture

Churches, Palaces and Monuments
Places and charm

Eating and Drinking
Hotels and lodgings

La Dolce Vita

Walks on Capri
Visiting the island by boat

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Visiting the island by boat has prepared a nature itinerary in order to enable to discover and experience all Capri’s attractions. The best thing is to rent a motor boat and travel right around the island, stopping here and there at the spots that interest you most. Please bear in mind that this trip requires a whole day, from dawn (or almost) to dusk. Starting from the port of Marina Grande, where you will find lots of boats and motorboats for hire, skirt the island, starting from the western side. You will pass some beaches and, after passing Punta Grandola, you will come to the splendid Blue Grotto.
Continue in the same direction, passing Cala del Rio and Cala di Limmo until coming to Punta Carena and the lighthouse of the same name.
After stopping at this beautiful, timeless spot, continue on and you will soon come to the point in the coastline that is home to the greatest concentration of natural caves: Grotta Vela, Grotta dei Santi, Grotta dell’Insurro and then, heading towards Cala San Costanzo, Grotta Rossa, Grotta Verde and Grotta Ruffolo. Once you have passed Marina Piccola, you will find yourself face to face with the majestic and highly emotive spectacle of the Faraglioni, the symbol of Capri.
On the eastern side of the island, we recommend visiting the Grotta Bianca and the Grotta Meravigliosa. The former is accessible from the sea, while the other is accessible by climbing some steps (which can be accessed from a landing).

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